Bringing You Some Basics of Digital Marketing

Effective digital marketing doesn’t have to be incredibly complex. As you dive into the marketing world, you’ll find several voices clamoring for your attention on the best way to start, and it can be overwhelming to say the least! That’s why Comet Agency is here to guide, inspire and help first-time voyagers grow into the marketing world. 

Marketing basics are the lifeblood from which all great marketing campaigns are born. Brick-by-brick you’ll need to build your brand and voice, and we want you to start off on a solid foundation.


One of your company’s biggest challenges is setting yourself apart from the crowd. Newer companies can be sidelined by name recognition alone, so it’s important to have a strong sense of identity. Ask yourself questions about your brand, such as”

  • Who are you? 
  • Why are you different? 
  • What markets do your competitors exist in? 


These are all things you have to look into when starting out. Something as simple as your name could make an extraordinary impact in the competition pool. If your name is too vague or too similar to another company, you may miss out on leads simply because they confuse you with another business. There are, of course, many other factors that will contribute to competition, but the key thing to understand is: what sets you apart from the pack.


A major variable to consider is your audience. The audience, of course, will be the pulse of your business. During the planning process, really get to know your audience. 

  • Where do they live? 
  • How much income are they making? 
  • Do they have families? 
  • What is the age range of your ideal customer?


Find your ideal customer and then speak directly to them. Make them feel seen, wanted, and encouraged to utilize your services or products. Other avenues to consider are their social media habits, consumer trends, and decision-making practices. Having an intimate knowledge of who your customers are will be an asset to any business.


We know that you want your business to be the best and are eager to achieve your dreams. The danger we see here is that owners will burn themselves out quickly trying to meet all these amazing goals. So, we encourage you to keep your goals SMART.

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic, resourced, results-based).
  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)


Every business wants to be the most successful version of themselves, but success takes time. You should always be prepared to play a long game. Having weekly, monthly, yearly, and even five-year goals will help keep you focused and on track. Remember, everything changes, and willingness to adapt and market flexibility can even help you thrive during unexpected events. Have goals, but be prepared to have those goals change. 

There is no end-all and be-all in digital marketing. Things change; there are innovations every day. However, having a strong footing on these basics can give you a solid foundation. Remember to take stock of your competition, know your audience, and keep your goals SMART. Stay on track, stay focused, and play the long game, and your business will be a marketable success.

Need help navigating the waters of digital marketing? We can help! Contact Comet Agency today!


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